What the heck is self-care, anyway?
Have you ever been told to focus on your self-care?
Therapists often refer to “improving self-care” or “focus on self-care” as a goal, especially if you are working on managing anxiety and stress.
You may be asking yourself, “what does that mean?”
The reason therapists have you focus on self-care is because chronic stress and worry lead to depleted energy. Self-care is a way to refuel or to replenish yourself. This is especially important if you are a caregiver of any kind, and you find yourself always giving to others and never having time to take care of yourself.
Many people say they feel guilty if they take time for themselves. Deep down they may feel they don't deserve it. But giving yourself time to refuel makes you a better person – a better partner, a better mom or dad, a better friend, a better contributor to the world. When you are replenished, you have more energy to give others.
Let's break down the ways you can focus on self-care.
Self-care is the act of refueling or energizing three parts: body, mind, and spirit.
How to energize your body through self-care:
When we focus on self-care of the body, think of things that replenish your physical self.
Moving the body: through exercise, walking, stretching, yoga, or dancing
Beautifying the body: by getting new clothes, makeup, new haircut, manicure, pedicure
Paying attention to diet: by focusing on healthy eating habits
Focusing on getting quality sleep
Some other ideas are:
get a massage
do a body scan guided meditation
focus on gratitude for your body by thanking each body part for doing such a great job
sending healing thoughts to each part of your body, including internal organs and even each cell of the body through thought or a guided meditation
How to energize your mind through self-care:
When we focus on self-care for the mind, think of things that replenish your mind.
Expand the mind by learning new things
learn a new language
take a course in something you're interested in
read books
learn something new that will further your career
Replace negative thinking patterns with healthier thoughts
write or say positive affirmations to fill your mind with positive thoughts
keep a gratitude journal
listen to guided meditations with positive statements
Quiet the mind to clear emotions and feel present
walk in nature, mindfully
listen to soothing music
do mindful activities that you enjoy, such as art projects, puzzles, sewing, knitting, crocheting, playing a musical instrument, write in a journal
clear clutter; make your home environment a sanctuary where you can feel at peace
How to energize your spirit through self-care:
When you focus on self-care for the spirit, think of things that connect you to a Higher Power, Universe, Source, God, or whatever aligns with your belief system.
Attend a service at your place of worship
Sit in nature
Read inspirational books or listen to inspirational podcasts
Get an energy healing
Go on a retreat
The outcome of giving yourself the time for self-care is enormous. So make it a priority!
When you focus on replenishing yourself, you are saying to yourself, “I'm important....I value my body and mind....I am in control of my own health and well-being.”
You will think clearer. You will be in control of your own happiness and not dependent on others. You will be healthier. You will be more present. It will lead to doing more things that make you happy. You will feel more self-love!